A relatively soft nut shell abrasive for removal of undesirable coating without etching, scratching, or marring surfaces. The pellets are tough, possess high strength and resist break down, but are non-abrasive in character. Excellent reuse, low dust, and usable in all types of blasting equipment. Most widely used for blast cleaning when very close tolerances must be maintained.
*Walnut Shell may contain trace amounts of walnut proteins that have been known to cause allergic reaction and subsequent death.
Other Applications: As a lost circulation material for bridging agent due to its granular nature. Also use as a drag reducer in deviated holes Walnut Shells are chemically inert and may be added to any mud system
Cycles : 8 – 10
Moh’s Hardness = 3
Bulk Density (wt./ft.3) = 45 lbs.
40 x 50 lb Bags/Skid